Alhamdulillah, I'm Chosen To Be The Winner

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Two weeks ago, I started inviting almost anyone in Facebook to like MooGoo Indonesia fan page. I did not lie to them that if they were willing to like it, and if I won the competition to invite most people to like it then I would be awarded an irritable balm for my baby. Luckily, I have got so many caring ang attentive mates. Almost all of them were willing to do so. Then finally the due date of the competition came, it was two days ago, as requirement I captured the print screen of the page to show how many friends of mine had like it.

156 was my final effort, yaayy
Then on the following day, I received an email that told me:

Hi sis Titih,
Terima kasih atas partisipasinya.
Sis Titih adalah pemenangnya, hadiah akan kami kirim ke alamat yang dikasih sis Titih.

Alhamdulillah, thank you Alloh for giving me another kindest surprise.

and of course thank you all my friends for participating :)

Another Surprise From MooGoo

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It's just been a week since my order from MooGoo arrived, but MooGoo made my day (again!). This morning while applying MSM soothing cream on my baby,  someone was knocking the door. I guessed it was a guest, but I surprisingly found an old man holding a familiar box; MooGoo box. What??? Even though I had planned to reorder the marvelous products, I was pretty sure I did not place any order since my first one. Then I pleasantly opened the package, and there I found the sweetest and most generous gifts I have ever received:

those are things exactly I planned to buy
I told my self, these are things exactly I'd love to order next time. Now, I am convinced that MooGoo definitely can read mind! I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I did the right thing when I placed an order last two weeks; not only I am spoiled by MooGoo but also I have got a new family who really cares about my problems especially concerning skin problems.
They all look mooliciously delicious so that I can hardly wait to try them all :)

another heartfelt letter :)
Oh MooGoo, I have nothing left to say but thank you, thank you, and thank you!

my Raina with her new big family!

We Finally Joyfully Found You, MooGoo

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Having a baby, in my imagination, would be the best moment in my entire life. Yes, it was when I gave birth to a beautiful healthy adorable tiny baby girl in winter December 2012 (tiny, for her body weight was only 2.3 kg). The bliss and joy of motherhood subsequently had to fade away when she was only one month old started suffering from what the pediatrician named it as a normal hormone rash and she convinced me that it would be gone in three months. I trusted her opinion then came back home without any anxiety that both my life and my husband's life since then would turn out to be desperately exhausting. My baby started to cry out loud without stopping for hours and hours in the morning, afternoon and especially at night. And here we experienced many sleepless nights with the same nightmare of my baby's unstoppable crying. Thus, we got a headache almost everyday. I was not too concerned about the rash that appeared on almost all over my baby's head and face, I thought she was colicky had something to do with her imperfection of digestive system.
A month had gone until we came back to the hospital to get my baby a vaccination. Now, another pediatrician noticed something wrong with my baby's appearance, too many rashes on the face and head, and also some pinky skin on neck crease and the back of knee. Then for the first time I was introduced to steroid cream, which initially never crossed my mind that it had quite hazardous side effects such as thinning out the skin, causing tiny bumps and acne when used on face, causing a glaucoma and cataract when too frequently used on eyelids, and a prolong use of steroid cream especially in infants and children can also cause an adrenalin suppression that has an association with growth suppression and weakened immune responses. Now, how can I not be a paranoid of steroid cream??? It is my baby's life we are talking about, a delicate helpless human being. You can call me a steroid phobia, since I am not willing to put my baby's life at risk. Huft. 
From that day on, I searched on the internet about steroid cream that made me realized that my baby had eczema or atopic dermatitis, which is accidentally passed from my husband. Initially, I was so relieved that the steroid cream prescribed by the pediatrician worked wonder, in seven days of its use, her eczema had gone; her face and body were beautifully clean from any rashes. But deeply sadly I found her eczema back one day after the cream was stopped using. It seemed to start all over again starting with a small red bumps like acne, at night they were getting worse and worse since she liked to rub and scratch it. Following days were night mares, again. I was extremely desperate to look at her red, cracked, sand-like complexion. When her eczema was flare-up, being horribly fussy and crying out loud, I cried too. While crying, searching on the internet about alternative and safe medication of eczema was my new habit. Everyday I hoped for a miracle that I found something healed her eczema without leaving her with a myriad of dangerous drawbacks. Then I found a product made of aquos substance. It was said that it can relieve a symptomatic of atopic dermatitis. Without a second thought I ordered it online. When it arrived, I directly applied it on her eczema, OMG next thing I noticed bleed came out from her neck fold, her eczema on face was spreading even wider, and another terrible effect was her complexion felt like a plastic! 
The next day, we took her to hospital, and again the pediatrician prescribed another steroid cream! When we hopelessly left his room, he called us again, he recommended us to come to a bigger hospital, where a study about infant eczema was being carried out. Hoping that the more advanced medication and treatment would finally cure my baby's eczema, my husband and I undoubtedly headed to that hospital.
In that hospital, I met a professor doctor who does the research. He taught me everything about eczema and his study. In short, he offered us to put our baby as one of volunteers in the study. And the study used topical steroid cream, again!, as the medication to cure her eczema. The following three weeks, reluctantly and extra carefully I applied my baby's delicate complexion and other skins with another steroid cream. I had to be extra careful to avoid the cream around her eyes where sadly the rashes also appeared badly. So, that was the third kind of steroid cream used for about a month. The research only studied my baby's eczema for two weeks, due to the disappearing of eczema. But then again for the many times, after the cream was stopped using, the stubborn eczema came back attacking my vulnerable baby. This recurrence always tears my heart apart yet furiously upsets me.
I never gave up for my baby's sake, I kept browsing for the alternative and safe medication for her eczema instead of keeping the steroid cream. Until one bright day in spring, April, I found a very friendly MooGoo website. It never offers a guarantee that its product can cure skin problem instantly, meanwhile it prefers to show its costumers' compliments about it. It amazed me since other companies mostly like to show up a dermatologist-recommended label on their products, meanwhile MooGoo does not. It makes me even want to order MooGoo products particularly the Eczema and Psoriasis cream and MSM soothing cream. I never mind about the price and the delivery payment that would be expensive since they would be shipped overseas (from Aussie to South Korea), I keep hoping that these products will finally heal my baby's eczema.
I ordered them on April 3rd and arrived at my door on April 9th, it took only 7 days to ship my order! Joyfully, I opened the package, and I found a very happy herd like this:
Just like finding a treasure
What I actually ordered are:

Hello, Moo!
But with a very generous heart, the company gave me these cute gifts:

Along with a touching-kind-hearted letter ^^
A million thanks to you, MooGoo. It is only a day since you arrived at my home then I peacefully and liberally apply the cream on my baby's eczema, that thanks God works wonder and gradually healed, but I keep thinking about reordering the products and trying out your other magically safe, wonderfully natural ingredients made and environmental friendly products. I can simply say that I am in love with you, MooGoo. So is my baby...

My angel with her new buddies :D

The happiest mom and baby
Titih Ratih & Huraina

*PS: a good news for mums with eczema babies, MooGoo has just opened a branch in Indonesia, simply visit its facebook.
This article is intended to share a hardship in taking care of my baby who was born with eczema and inform an alternative safe steroid-free cure.

Huraina Mutiara Kamila

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Waktu itu Sabtu, 8 Desember 2012 jadwal prenatal check-up yang ke-9. Seperti biasa kami pergi sore ba’da ashar, sebelumnya kami bersih2 rumah dari es yang menempel di lorong jalan rumah kami. Sesampainya di rumah sakit, aku seperti biasa cek tensi dan berat badan, kali ini puncaknya sungguh membuat jantungku deg degan, tensi ku 170 an. Beberapa kali suster memeriksa tensi ku secara manual. Hasilnya tetap tinggi 160 an. Dokter lalu menyatakan aku kini positif dalam kondisi preeklamsia, karena selain tensiku tinggi diatas 140, juga karena ditemukan protein di urinku tingkat 2. Kenyataan janinku tidak berkembang dengan baikpun merupakan bukti lain aku berada dalam kondisi preeklamsia. Aku lemas, jantungku berdegup kencang, karena aku sudah baca banyak literature tentang preeclampsia, bahayanya dan akibatnya sangat fatal bisa menyebabkan kejang bahkan koma dan meninggal bagi ibu juga bayi. Na’udzubillah, sesering mungkin aku tepis pikiran buruk itu.
Lalu dokter menganjurkanku untuk rawat inap, karena ia akan mengobserve  urinku selama dua hari kedepan. Jika positif urinku mengandung protein, maka aku akan diinduksi demi menyelamatkan janinku.
Sabtu malam itu aku didaftarkan sebagai pasien dan harus bed rest di lantai 6, kami memilih ruangan dengan 4 orang pasien lainnya karena gratis, ternyata di kamar itu tak ada pasien lain, serasa milik sendiri kamar sebesar itu. Suamiku tidur di lantai malam itu, ia sempat pamit ba’da isya untuk pergi ke super market Homeplus membeli makanan dan kebutuhan yang lain. Sepulangnya aku dibelikan dua buah sepatu winter yang sangat bagus. Satu pasang boots coklat muda dan kets putih ungu. Jazakumulloh..kuucapkan padanya. Lalu malam itu yang seharusnya aku bisa bed rest, otakku melayang2 memikirkan preeklamsia. Kenyataan bahwa aku mengetahui tentang keburukan preeklamsia makin membuatku susah tidur dan memicu tensiku makin tinggi. Belakangan setelah melahirkan dokter memberitahuku kalau kegalauan dan kegelisahan juga merupakan salah satu sindrom preeklamsia. Ya Alloh, beberapa kali suster mengecek tensiku tetap tinggi. Sampai jam 4 subuh aku tak bisa tidur, aku putuskan membangunkan suamiku dan memintanya menelpon suster. Suster datang lalu memanggilkan dokter. Aku  keluhkan sakit kepala bagian depan kepalaku padanya (karena lagi-lagi sakit kepala bagian depan kepala adalah salah satu dari beberapa gejala preeklamsia), dokter terlihat khawatir. Lalu dia memutuskan agar aku segera diinduksi.
Subuh itu sekitar jam 5,aku dibawa ke ruang khusus bersalin. Beberapa suster menanyakanku ini itu dalam bahasa korea yang semakin membuatku bingung. Diantaranya ada yang bertanya tentang riwayat kesehatan, yang lainnya ada yang bertanya tentang rencana imunisasi bagi bayi, makanan yang pantang kami makan, susu formula gratis yang akan dipilih, serta kamar bersalin yang privasi atau umum. Dengan bahasa korea yang patah-patah aku dan suamiku menjawab pertanyaan mereka satu per satu. Lalu tiba saatnya suster memberiku obat yang memicu kontraksi, inilah ternyata yg dinamakan kelahiran induksi. Dokter menyatakan obat itu akan diberikan padaku tiap empat jam sekali selama 24 jam tepatnya hingga esok subuh.
Obat pertama hanya memberikan efek mulas seperti mulas haid, sangat dapat kutolerir. Lalu obat selanjutnya juga masih mulas sedikit, lalu obat selanjutnya tingkat kemulasannya meningkat walau hanya sedikit. Lalu yang selanjutnya mulasnya sama, tetap sama tidak meningkat. Sampai datanglah waktu tengah malam badanku malah menggigil, demam. Aku katakan pada suster yang bertanya apa kah kontraksiku meningkat? Aku malah mengabarkan padanya bahwa aku demam, badanku dingin sangat terasa. Lalu ia memberiku obat demam. Aku lemas sekali, badanku lemah, aku kehilangan tenaga dan semangat, apalagi ditambah dokter yang mengabarkan kadar protein dalam urinku tinggi yaitu sudah di tingkat 4. Aku secara resmi dan positif mengidap preeklamsia. Dan kabar yang paling mengagetkan adalah bahwa jika kontraksi tidak juga muncul, maka terpaksa aku harus dioperasi atau kata lain aku harus melewati kelahiran dengan jalan Caesar.
Malam paling menegangkan dalam hidupku dan mungkin juga suamiku, kami berempat, Alloh, aku, suamiku dan janin yang  ada dalam kandunganku, berada di kamar bersalin, gelap hanya pelukan satu sama lain yang menghangatkan disertai lantunan doa yang tak lepas kami panjatkan. Tak lupa sms dikirim kepada orang tua dan sanak saudara kami di tanah air, dengan harapan mereka juga mendoakan dan meminta yang terbaik kepadaNya.
Sekitar pukul empat subuh, seorang suster kembali memeriksa kandunganku. Ia mengabarkan kalau sudah ada pembukaan satu yaitu sekitar 2 cm. antara ragu dan bahagia aku mendengarnya, ragu karena perjalanan dilation atau pembukaan bukan berakhir di pembukaan satu melainkan di pembukaan sepuluh, rasanya aku sudah tidak punya lagi “bekal” energi untuk menempuh perjalanan sejauh itu, perjuangan ini masih harus berlanjut walau dengan sisa bekal yang seadanya. Kini perjuangan itu terasa tamah berat ketika penglihatanku seperti terasa lain dari normalnya yaitu aku tidak bisa melihat dengan fokus, seperti ada bayangan di kedua sisi mata ku. Tapi aku harus kuat demi janin yang telah menunggu selama kurang lebih 36 minggu dalam rahimku.
Jam demi jam berlalu, menit demi menit berjalan, dan detik demi detik seperti terbang begitu saja. Kontraksi yang aku rasakan makin lama makin kuat. Lalu sekitar jam setengah enam kami solat subuh berjamaah dengan kondisiku berbaring sambil merasakan kontraksi aku solat memohon pertolongan dan kekuatan dari yang Maha Kuat. 
Lalu dokter memeriksa kandunganku lagi, "In two hours you'll be seeing your baby." Seperti mimpi aku mendengarnya, aku menyangka proses pembukaan itu akan berlangsung seharian penuh lagi, aku kira pembukaan penuh sampai melahirkannya malam nanti, dan jika itu takdirnya aku harus mengaku kalah dan angkat tangan menyerah karena aku benar-benar kehabisan tenaga. Tapi tak disangka ternyata dalam dua jam kedepan, aku dan suamiku insyaalloh akan bertemu dengan putri kami, putri yang dilahirkan dengan proses perjuangan dan hanya ada kami berdua, tak ada orangtua atau keluarga yang hadir menemani, hanya do'a merekalah yang mewakili keabsenan mereka.
Tepat pukul 8.14 pagi waktu Korea Selatan bagian kota Cheongju, ia lahir ke dunia, untuk pertama kalinya menghirup udara bumi, untuk pertama kalinya bertemua khalifah/manusia lain; dokter Choi, para suster dan tentu saja kami, orangtuanya. Untuk pertama kalinya pula kami mendengar suaranya, tangisannya memecahkan keheningan karena tegang selama tiga hari dua malam ke belakang. 
Subhanalloh, walhamdulillah, walaailahaillalloh, wallohuakbar. Dzikir ini hanya sedikit mewakili syukur kami atas anugerahMu yang tak terhingga; amanah yang berat sekaligus indah, karunia yang terbaik sekaligus tersulit, oleh karena itu tambahkan lah kesabaran serta kekuatan dan juga ilmu, petunjuk dalam merawat menjaganya; menjaga Huraina Mutiara Kamila.

Welcome to the jungle, hon!