New Role in Life

I've dreamed of studying overseas. Aussie would be my favourite country to be a destination. In fact, the Ruler of this universe always hears our whisper. Somehow, I ended up living abroad to get my husband a company. I enjoy conducting my chores, running my errands, trying out new recepies (even though not all of them called a success), managing my tantrum over something that irks me, compromising about something that urges us, negotiating our distintive desires, and on top of that sharing the stories of our new leaf.
I now get another chance to add my role; sharing something I already know or spreading profound knowledge. I'll be a tutor, not only for myself but also to others who might need it. Moreover, I'll be able to contribute to get us a little more settlement. I'm just in need to be fruitful especially to the one I inevitably care for, I irresistably love, and I accordingly spend the rest of my life with. 
Playing more than one role means we have onus to be burdened. It's not that hard-won thing to carry out as long as we are told the job desripction. How to act as a friend, a wife, a mother, a neighbor, a resident, a human-being, a child, a sister, a foreigner, a tutor, etc,. Simply the best way to savor the old and new leaf in life is to live with it passionately. Feeling free of anxiety and cherish every moment in life.
Having a new role equals to complementing the joy in life.

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