A Heavenly Waffle

Today is Monday, April 16th 2012, when I tasted the most scrumptious waffle on earth \^.^/. I will never let this memory go of my mind since it blew my mind instead. Good Lord...is every word my friend, Witha, and I murmured while enjoying the waffle.
This afternoon was supposed to be the day we hunted for some blossoming cherry blossom flowers, but rather we found it disappointing that some of their petals were gone by the wind. It was not that perfect timing to capture near those kinds of fallen flower trees. Thus, we decided just to take a stroll by the side of the road and look for some well-known Korean snacks, one of them is Odeng. Then we let ourselves have some, actually I only ate one Odeng and my friend had more than one, Odengs. When we nearly finished our Odeng, her Odengs actually again, kkkkk, it just crossed my mind about waffle, my favourite dessert, even though not so many waffles I have ever tasted, I asked if she also knew about the waffle shop or whatsoever near the vicinity. And she said that she has her own favourite waffle vendor which is absolutely incredibly yummy. Well, since I still remember that the waffle shop I once had a crush on when I took a walk with my hubby is near the Odeng vendor, then I firstly showed her where it was. Voila! She finally remembered that IT is also the waffle cafe that she adores. My my, what a coincidence! Since she had been there before with her buddies, she really recommended that we turn our failed-cherry blossom-hunting to enjoying the waffle in that cafe. I was broke at that time so that I couldn't risk the budget for the rest of this month over some bites of what-so-called yummy waffle. Then she offered a help to lend me some money, yes I agreed then.
Finally, we ended up in a front corner of the elegant, retro, trendy, jazzy, cozy, naturalist cafe, which unfortunately I forgot its name.
time flies so fast when you sit there
She directly ordered ice cream waffle vanilla and strawberry flavour. The waiter, which is also the owner of the cafe, we realized it because of his face sticker sticked on the cover of the menu, it is so neat!, said " 여덟 " means eight minutes to wait for the waffle.
Yes, we waited for no waste. In fact, it was a heavenly waffle that we waited for  여덟  . Due to its tantalizing appearance, we grabbed our camera to shoot its perfect shape. Here is one of our most memorable waffle we ever eat...
left angle
right angle
my name is Heavenly Waffle

just like heaven
After taking some pictures of it, we passionately grabbed the fork and stabbed the waffle and hopped it into our wildly drooling mouth. WOW! It was just like heaven. We looked at each other and laughed. We grabbed some of it over and over again while laughing. We ridiculously knew what we laugh about, it was just too perfect not to have a big laugh. It simply showed that we really do adore this waffle. Gosh! We enjoyed every little bite of it. We were truly blessed this afternoon. We were overwhelmed with gratitude and bliss. Subhanalloh, Alhamdulillah, Laailaahaillalloh, Allohuakbar.
And after finishing our last bite of Heavenly Waffle, she came to the cashier that was again the owner of the cafe. He indeed has multitalents. Another good thing about this cafe was he could speak "Selamat pagi, selamat siang". Wow! Isn't that awesome? My friend who happens to be able to speak Korean well, asked him how he knew Bahasa. He said that back then he had had an Indonesian chingu and they were pretty close. Atta boy! Not only he is good looking but also multitalented as well as is able to speak a little Bahasa.
Then when we left and said goodbye, he again spoke Bahasa "Selamat malam". So adorable he is.
In brief, this cafe is highly recommended if one day you have a chance to go to Cheongju. And would you mind telling me if you decided to hang out in this cafe? For I do not mind escorting you go there and having some free-charged heavenly waffle :).

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